Tag Archives for " Kriya Yoga "

Samudra Manthan – Churning of the Milk Ocean and Kriya Yoga


The story of Samudra Manthan – churning of the milk ocean is found in the Bhagavata Purana, the Mahabharata, and Vishnu Purana. It tells of how the Devas and Asuras join together for this churning of the ocean in order to obtain Amrita – the nectar of immortality. It also relates how Vishnu in the form of a turtle (Kurma Avatar) provides his help as well as Shiva coming to the aid of the Devas when they implore his help.Continue reading

Explaining Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya Mantra


ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय

Vasudeva is the fourth state of consciousness known as Turiya. From Vasudeva is born Samkarshana, the Jiva (individual consciousness); from the Jiva, Pradyumna, the mind; from the mind, Aniruddha, the ego. These are the quadruple forms (vyuhas) of Consciousness, according to Pancaratra system.

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The Divine Life of Swami Keshavanandaji Maharaj, Direct Disciple of Lahiri Mahasaya Part 4

“Although uninvited, Sati – the incarnation of Adi Parashakti – was excited and determined to go to the great yajna (fire ceremony) arranged by her father, Daksha Maharaj.  It was an excellent opportunity to review his mother and family. Maharaj Daksha had invited all Devatas, Rishis and great saintly personalities of the universe, except Shiva (the husband of Sati) to whom he harbored deep antipathy.”

The Patriarch of many nations (Prajapati), Daksha Maharaj, represents the old religious beliefs and ideas of the Vedic Age which did not accept the Yoga paths represented by Shiva. Indeed, Daksha felt threatened by the followers of these paths for whom the project of union with the Supreme Brahman was the only true, the only necessary, the one who deserved all the preference.
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Sri Guru Gita y el Principio (Tatva) Guru

“Om Namah śivāya gurave
Nisprapañcaya śāntāya
Nirālambāya tejase ”
Sri Guru Gita

El Guru Gita es parte del Skanda Purana, asignado al sabio Vyasa, y es la respuesta dada por el Señor Shiva a la solicitud hecha por Parvati de iniciarla en el Conocimiento Guru-Tattva y también a la pregunta “¿Mediante qué camino puede un alma encarnada Ser Uno con Brahman?”


Si esta escritura, Sri Guru Gita, atrajo la atención de Sri Lahiri Mahasaya, entonces debería ser importante para todos los que siguen el camino de Kriya Yoga. Sri Lahiri Mahasaya teje breves comentarios – versículo por versículo – de esta obra que muestra la conexión con el Gurú como la forma más elevada de sadhana (práctica espiritual).Continue reading

La historia de la vida de Swami Keshwanandaji Maharaj Parte 3

Hubo un gran santo llamado Bilvamangala Thakur que escribió muchos versos y canciones llenas de amor a Krishna. Llamaba a Krishna y Krishna aparecería. Sri Thakur caminaba por las calles de Vrindavan rezando su Japa. Nunca nadie conoció las circunstancias de su muerte. Durante 800 años – ¡800 años! – a menudo se veía al viejo ciego Thakur caminando por las orillas del río Yamuna, y también en Mathura. Los lugareños lo llamaban “Viejo Hombre del Río” y verlo era siempre un signo de bendición.


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La Vida Divina de Brahmchari Keshavanandaji Maharaj – Primera parte

Introducción: Esta es una historia maravillosa e inspiradora sobre la vida de Shri Keshavanandaji Maharaj, uno de los discípulos directos de Shri Shri Shyamacharan Lahiri Mahasaya. Shri Keshavanandaji dedicó su vida a la práctica del Kriya Yoga Vidya de Shri Lahiri Mahasaya.

Y él es uno de los pocos vestidos de color ocre o discípulos renunciantes de Sri Lahiri Mahasaya que llevaron la vida del renunciante con las bendiciones y el permiso de Lahiri Baba.


– Jayo Jayo Devi! –

El sadhu septuagenario  se sorprendió con el hermoso darshan de Devi. Una luz cegadora brilló en Kutastha iluminando la forma hermosa de la diosa montado sobre un majestuoso león dorado. Sonriendo, movió su mano en un gesto de bendición.Continue reading

The Life Story of Swami Keshwanandaji Maharaj Part 3

There was a great saint called Bilvamangala Thakur who wrote many verses and songs full of love for Krishna. He would call on Krishna and Krishna would appear. Sri Thakur walked the streets of Vrindavan praying his Japa. No one ever knew the circumstances of his death. For 800 years – eight hundred years! – the old blind Thakur was often seen walking the banks of the Yamuna River, and also in Mathura. The villagers called him “Old Man River” and to see him was always a sign of blessing.

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The Life Story of Swami Keshwanandaji Maharaj Part 2

Since childhood, Swami Keshavananda was motivated by love for Iswara and it was in meditation where he found Iswara inside. In the great souls, the source of spiritual longing springs from direct experience and rarely from readings, the influence of others, or by external circumstances.

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El Aspecto Sistémico y Dinámico de Kriya Yoga

Una de las tendencias más comunes de yoga era centrarse en tratar de forma aislada e individual cada unidad del cuerpo sutil o etéreo, es decir, en despertar las propiedades inmanentes de cada unidad. El verdadero significado de la palabra “Yoga” – que es converger la mente en una única dirección- parece diluirse cuando se pierde el sentido de conjunto en la práctica de esta corriente de Yoga.

En general, los estudios sobre el cuerpo sutil – con sus chakras, nadis, etc. – no superan la unidad y ni siquiera tratan su aspecto sistémico. En la mayoría de los casos, trabajan las unidades por separado, fuera del conjunto. Esta perspectiva poco práctica, pero muy adoptada, fue fomentada por el Yoga Tántrico que utiliza abundantemente mantras, yantras, rituales y visualizaciones, para despertar los poderes internos (Siddhis) de cada unidad.Continue reading

Kriyā Yoga and Cidākāśa


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Kriyā Yoga is a specific technique of meditation which aims to direct the prāṇa into the central nerve, also known as suṣumnā nāḍi. The ancient lineages of Naths, the Saivism of Kashmir and Siddhar of Tamilnadu were well acquainted with the technique of “Sushumna breath” but it was Sri Lahiri Mahasaya who took over the task of presenting, in an accessible way to all, this technique in its true identity and its essential structures.

Since ancient times, the ṛṣis of India research the relationship between the subtle body and spirituality. Just as in nature the straight lines are extremely rare, in the subtle body almost no prāṇa movement is just right. Of all the thousands of nadis suṣumnā does not arc nor is it rounded, which reveals its unusual and superhuman nature. Continue reading