ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय
Vasudeva is the fourth state of consciousness known as Turiya. From Vasudeva is born Samkarshana, the Jiva (individual consciousness); from the Jiva, Pradyumna, the mind; from the mind, Aniruddha, the ego. These are the quadruple forms (vyuhas) of Consciousness, according to Pancaratra system.
Reminiscencias de Kriya – Esta es una historia de Kriya Yoga interesante e inspiradora sobre Shri Nitay Baba. Averigua cómo se inspiró y persistió en el Sadhana de Kriya y luego en última instancia, el sabor del prasadam del Kriya Yoga de Lahiri Mahasaya – la experiencia bendita de Paravastha o Tranquilidad!
Habían pasado 45 minutos, y el maestro aún quedaba inmóvil, en un estado sin aliento. El silencio reinaba en aquella habitación mal amueblada, debido a que esa casa – en el suburbio de Howra, Kolkata – estaba destinada únicamente a Sat-sanghas del maestro con sus discípulos. Poco a poco, la gente hacía sus reverencias y salía de la habitación, mientras que otros discípulos alargaban sus piernas y hacían maha-mudra.
¿Cómo es posible permanecer tanto tiempo sin respirar? Sin las distracciones de los sentidos del cuerpo y sin la resistencia de la mente a mantenerse tranquila, el maestro probablemente residía ahora en el Espíritu puro – el Atman – sin ser consciente de ninguna cosa.Continue reading
Since childhood, Swami Keshavananda was motivated by love for Iswara and it was in meditation where he found Iswara inside. In the great souls, the source of spiritual longing springs from direct experience and rarely from readings, the influence of others, or by external circumstances.
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Kriyā Yoga is a specific technique of meditation which aims to direct the prāṇa into the central nerve, also known as suṣumnā nāḍi. The ancient lineages of Naths, the Saivism of Kashmir and Siddhar of Tamilnadu were well acquainted with the technique of “Sushumna breath” but it was Sri Lahiri Mahasaya who took over the task of presenting, in an accessible way to all, this technique in its true identity and its essential structures.
Since ancient times, the ṛṣis of India research the relationship between the subtle body and spirituality. Just as in nature the straight lines are extremely rare, in the subtle body almost no prāṇa movement is just right. Of all the thousands of nadis suṣumnā does not arc nor is it rounded, which reveals its unusual and superhuman nature. Continue reading
Kriya reminiscences – This is an interesting and inspiring Kriya Yoga story about Shri Nitay Baba. Find out how he got inspired and persisted in Kriya Sadhana and then ultimately taste the prasadam of Lahiri Mahasaya Kriya Yoga – the blessed experience of Paravastha or Tranquility!
It had been 45 minutes, and the master still remained motionless, in a breathless state. Silence reigned in the poorly furnished room, beacuse that house – in the suburb of Howra, Kolkata – was meant only to Sat-sanghas of the master with his disciples. Little by little, people paid their obeisance and left the room, while other disciples lengthened their legs and made maha-mudra.Continue reading